Visual Studio Code vs Atom - Which editor is better for your coding workflow

January 20, 2022

Visual Studio Code vs Atom - Which editor is better for your coding workflow

Code editors are an essential tool for developers, and choosing the right one to use can be challenging. With so many options available, it's crucial to compare the features of each editor to determine the one that best suits your coding workflow. Visual Studio Code (VS Code) and Atom are two popular code editors with a wide range of features, and in this article, we'll be comparing the two to help you make an informed decision.


VS Code and Atom have a lot in common, but there are specific features that make them unique. One of the significant differences between the two editors is their approach to extensions. Atom's default install comes with an extensive list of features, making it a more comprehensive option than VS Code. However, VS Code’s extension marketplace provides a much broader range of plugins, allowing for greater customization and flexibility in development workflows.

When it comes to debugging, VS Code has an upper hand. Its built-in debugger is more robust than Atom’s, and it's easy to set breakpoints, watch variables, and see our call stack. But, Atom has the edge when it comes to GitHub's integration because it's built with web technologies, making integration seamless and straightforward.


Both VS Code and Atom are written in JavaScript, which means they're not as fast as native applications. However, when compared to each other, VS Code is the better performer. It loads faster and handles large files and projects with ease. Atom, on the other hand, can be sluggish, especially when working on large files, and has a long startup time.

User Interface & Customization

When it comes to UI, both editors look similar, but there are a few differences. VS Code has a more customizable interface, giving users the option to tweak the layout and control panel visibility. VS Code also has better keyboard navigation compared to Atom, making it more accessible for keyboard-only users. Atom, on the other hand, favors customization through CSS and HTML, allowing users to change themes and modify the editor itself.


In conclusion, both Visual Studio Code and Atom are great editors with their unique strengths and weaknesses. Developers should choose the editor that best suits their coding workflows. If you're looking for faster performance and better debugging, go for VS Code. But if you’re big on customization and want reliability with GitHub integration, Atom may be your best choice. So the final verdict is to try both and decide for yourself - but no matter which software you choose, remember to have fun while coding!


  1. Visual Studio Code, Microsoft.
  2. Atom, GitHub.
  3. Atom vs Visual Studio Code: Which Editor Should You Use?, Educative.
  4. A Comprehensive Guide to Visual Studio Code for Frontend Developers, SitePoint.

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